Fifty shades

Trippin’ over: crazy in love by beyonce

So sue me for being one of those who apparently read and watched fifty shades. And sue for me for liking it 🙂

Although the book is far better than the movie, i have to admit that i was not disappointed. I really can’t blame if a movie that is based on a novel will be completely loyal to it. I mean come on, one novel to compress in 2 hours??! I don’t think that is really doable. But honestly all the sexy scenes weren’t disappointing.  I could pinpoint the flaws, but the thing is, the movie made my emotions felt like it was riding a roller coaster.  It makes me want to reread the book all over again. It made me fall in love with christian grey persona. And I can’t wait for the next one.

this is one of the moments

Trippin’ over: deep by binocular

We just went to UP to buy meriendas. We were just cruising cp garcia. Everything seems okay and i feel indifferent with my surroundings. Then suddenly, i passed by a father with his daughter waiting for a jeepney. I assumed the daughter just passed the UPCAT and was trying to enroll (maybe??) or securing her slot. From my view, i knew they were dead-tired, i knew they have been under the sun for quite sometime; judging by how frequent the father wipes his sweat. Then out of nowhere it hit me, no shit; my papa is gone. Really gone. I envy the daughter. It is not because she passed UPCAT, but because despite the weather,her dad is with her, and i know that her dad is real proud of her. I miss you papa; i assumed things are okay for me after those years, but at that moment i realized that i am not okay and i will never be. I just grew accustomed to the fact that i can’t be with you, but i will never be the same. For all the unshed tears, for the unspoken words, for the unmade actions, for the time that will never be brought  back; i will remain scarred and there will always be pain. I will just have to live life with pain, and with knowledge that i will never be able to hug you again, papa.